We're here in Barrow again doing some more auditions during Qitik. (If you don't know what Qitik is...it's basically several days/nights of games and competitions where everyone gets together and hangs out for fun and prizes during the holidays. Some of the games are for laughs, some are very athletic and difficult like Alaska high kick, one foot high kick and two foot high kick. We don't have any video of them, but if you search any of those names on YouTube there are a bunch.)
We've had a great turnout and we're looking forward to our call-backs tonight. Then we're heading back down to Anchorage for more open-call auditions on the 2nd and 3rd at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art (4:30-8:30pm each night).
We're hoping to grab an hour or so to get out and get some more photos, but in the meantime we've taken a few here and there. This is a fairly random selection of what we've been doing the past several days...
Some impressive holiday decoration at Barrow's only Mexican restaurant Pepe's.
Kids from town who were hanging out at auditions the other night
Beautiful Iqalin on her first birthday
Looking out toward the ocean and a snow-covered van
Just a quick reminder that our second round of Barrow auditions start today and we've added a little incentive...If you come and audition you will be entered in a raffle to win a $50 gift certificate to NAPA here in Barrow. So if you're feeling shy, let that be the extra encouragement you needed!
Here are Barrow audition details:
Ipalook Elementary School Room 176 During Qitik! Sunday, December 27th 8:30-10pm Saturday, December 28th 4-8pm Monday, December 29th 4-8pm
SIKUMI is now online. It will be available for free on the YouTube Screening Room for the next 6 weeks. If you have not yet seen SIKUMI, this is your chance. If you have already seen it, we hope you will take another look and/or pass this on to friends. The more “views” the better for us!!!
(For those of you who don't know already, ON THE ICE is loosely based on this short film SIKUMI.)
For all those out there who still want to audition, the instructions for video auditions are up on our website. Please visit the casting page at www.ontheicethemovie.com for all the details on what to do.
Also, we are planning to hold more auditions in Barrow and Anchorage only. See below for the details we have confirmed thus far:
BARROW Ipalook Elementary School -- Room 176 During Qitik! Sunday, December 27th 4-8pm Saturday, December 28th 4-8pm Monday, December 29th 4-8pm
ANCHORAGE International Gallery of Contemporary Art 427 D. St (by 4th Ave.) January 2nd 4:30-8:30pm January 3rd 4:30-8:30pm Please spread the word to all those people who missed out the first time! We want to meet all of you!