Thanks so much for all the emails and well wishes! We are so excited to share the film with you!
For those who've asked about screenings in their area, I wanted to share a quick update on where we're at with the film. Since completing photography in Barrow in May, we've been editing. And editing and editing. :) In early November we finalized the cut and now we've have begun working with our sound designer and composer (on the sound design and score.) We also have to do our color grading and sound mix which should all be completed just before Sundance in January.
Our first screening will be in Park City at the festival and then beyond that things are still up in the air. We want to screen everywhere we can and we're doing our best to make that happen. So...if you have a local theater that you think would be perfect for us, write a comment or send me an email. I'd love any recommendations if you'd like On the Ice to screen in your town or city! The best email to reach me is
Here's a new pic of Josiah Patkotak (Qalli) and Andrew MacLean on set.